Ear Ache Clipart Whats The Difference Between And Ear Ache And A Ear Infection?

Whats the difference between and ear ache and a ear infection? - ear ache clipart

I ask this because my son moved into his ear and cry ... but does not seem to worry him in the course of the day ... He has just a cold ... I think it could be an earache ... How can I make a difference? hes 20 months and went to the doctor yesterday ... found nothing in my ears ... without fever or ...
Thank you.


Anonymous said...

You mean uniformity, there is no difference, right?

Anonymous said...

You mean uniformity, there is no difference, right?

Anonymous said...

I hope that maybe allergies or simple drainage. They are sometimes brings the fluid in the ear and then sounds as if they were in a Barrell or under water. Once the lines of your property. Most of the time of the leak of Wilson for his own. So, if hes a cold, that the accumulation of fluid, and could indeed, pulls the ear is opened and restore order ... lol ... Earache wounded and drag the pain and believe me, would cry a cry or certainly catch your attention and of course you can imagine the worst. I think there were his ears clear yesterday, and likely cause of a cold leak a little fluid. While drainage and not much higher than it should be good. If there is an ear infection is (certainly not a bit of walking or more), and pulling or rubbing the ears. But I think now are with so many children to build immunity to antibotic, nature will take care of them and only take Tylenol for discomfort. So I guess to answer your question ... Ear pain was coming stitches andGo to the calls that you know that hurts. An ear infection would be much discomfort, fever, throwing, and especially something that makes sense, is not fair. Not sure which is the lesser of two evils. Ear infection last longer, and the majority of ear pain are just a few hours later disappeared. But its scarry because you feel powerless and of course all sorts of things in my head when the child's mother said only screams ... Hope this helps

Anonymous said...

I hope that maybe just allergies or drainage. They are sometimes brings the fluid in the ear and then sounds as if they were in a Barrell or under water. Once your drains well. Most of the time Wil burden on their own. So, if hes a cold, that the accumulation of fluid, and could indeed, pulls the ear is opened and restore order ... lol ... Ear pain and sorrow will be turned on and believe me, cry or scream suddenly would certainly draw your attention, and of course you can imagine the worst. I think since yesterday, his ears were clear, and drainage probably cause only cold enough for a little liquid. While drainage and not much higher than it should be good. If there is an ear infection is (certainly not a bit of walking or more), and pulling or rubbing of the ears. But I think now are with so many children to build immunity to the antibotic, nature will take care of them and only take Tylenol for discomfort. So I guess to answer your question ... to Ear pain is the nagging pain that comes andGo to the calls that you know that hurts. An ear infection would be much discomfort, fever, throwing, and especially something that makes sense, is not fair. Not sure which is the lesser of two evils. Ear infection last longer, and the majority of ear pain are just a few hours later disappeared. But its scarry because you feel powerless and of course all sorts of things in my head of the mother when the baby cries then only ... Hope this helps

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